
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Friends stuff!

Hey here are some photos from my friend.

They were taken in White sands New Mexico. With a focus on self portrait and environment.

I was thinking those will like them because this is a blog about expression from ones own minds eye.

If you want to look at more of her stuff go to:


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Light in the mist

I like these photos because i was trying out my new camera. Even though i had it for like 6 months before taking a serious picture. The camera i was using was a one shot digital camera with a 10X optical zoom and actually i'm not sure about the pixals or even the optical zoom is correct.

Anyway i set the camera on manual and kept it out of focus. It was fogy that night so it was already distorting the things you could actually see. Since i didn't have a tripod to use i ended up showing i didn't have a steady hand but with that cam the distortion of the traffic lights and the the fog helped further. All in all i think them came out looking really nice. Tell me what you think.


photose i have done

I know that this is supposed to be about my drawing but i think I'm going to explore other ideas about art like photography, and music. that is just what i like and what i want to explore. So if you have opinions about what i have done i would like to hear them also critiques are nice and i will explain what i have done to some degree of making sense and i hope it can help others.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

what is in the minds eye

The minds eye is a wonderful place for me. I like it because it takes me away form the world for a bit and lets me do anything i want. I like to draw i draw as much as i can and anything i can. To tell the truth I'm better at things like anime and cartoons, but i have been getting into landscapes a bit, real life as well as computer art. I do have to say right now the hardest thing for me to do is work on shading. I need a lot of practice on shading. As well as body proportions and getting a wider range of movement and action into my drawings.
In any case, i will be putting up my drawings, as well as photos on this blog and hoping to get some feed back on them and suggestions on how to improve. Also i will be happy to give advice to anyone that asks. not garinting that i'm an expert. so until i get my next one up hope to hear from all you soon


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

what is in art

There is more to art then one can think. the imagination is a really vast and endless place. I think that art is an expression of ones own feelings, because there are so many thing in this world that a person can't explain through words. Art gives joy to people as well as sorrow. It is a way of communicating with others about an idea, a feeling and more.

You look at a picture and there is so much you can tell form it. The problem about art is that it can sometimes be overwhelming because one picture can mean so many different things. It is important to not get swept up into what the picture should mean but what you feel it does mean.

Art is also not subject alone to pictures, it is music and even writing in my opinion. It is any form of communication that can express more than just words. It is important not to lose art from the world because it is a crucial part of communicating with other people.

Last note. That the cool thing now a days is that art is expanding with the technology that is being developed. It is really cool to think that with the advancement of science allows for more expression with art and more expression creates more ideas and more ideas will be able to advanced art and technology to the next level.